The Best Watermelon Breeze Recipe

Summer is here in its full glory in my part of the world (Read India).. Oh yes, we are touching 41C here. On the other hand, some of my lucky friends tell me they are still using mittens and enjoying hot bowls of soup!!

The Best Watermelon Breeze Recipe

Whoa!!! What a dream that would be! To snuggle in blankies, wear mittens and yes, the soup… glorious hot bowls of chicken soup for my soul. We are a longgg way from there yet.

I have been doing my bit to beat the heat..and what better way than to use up the freshest produce of the season and make something fabulous for a weekend brunch with friends!

I made this simple drink in both the cocktail and mocktail version..Cocktail for us grown-ups, There was a lot of friendly gossips, review of the latest movies..oohing and aahing over what the others were wearing and of course food!! How can I have a brunch and the conversation not revolve around food? 

And for the tiny adults, we made the mocktail version..which of course they loved too. So feel free to go whichever way you choose. It’s equally delicious either way.


  • Watermelon Juice – cups (500 ml) 
  • Coconut Water – 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Sparkling Water or soda – 2 cups 
  • Lime Juice – of 2 lemon (adjust as per taste)
  • Honey 4 tbsp (adjust as per taste) 
  • Mint leaves – Muddle with some limejuice and sugar in a mortar and pestle. 
  • Watermelon wedges for garnish.
  • Sugar and Margharita salt mix to rim the glasses.
  • Ice cubes.

For cocktail: 

  • White Rum – 1 cup. 

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